Practice Set

Q.1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Verbs choosing from the brackets.

1. One of the pupils in our class ...... a car.(own/owns)

2. The Lions of the East...... an interesting book. (Is/Are)

3. Apple pie and custard ...... my favourite dish.(are/is)

4. Ten kilometres...... a long way to walk.(is/are)

5. Mohan as well as Sohan .. ...guilty.(was/were)

6. Neither John nor you...,. present.(was/were)

7. Either Shobha or I ...... to blame.(is/am)

8.   Neither of them .....wrong.(was/were)

9. The council ......chosen its president.(has/have)

.10  . Two and two ...... four.(make/makes)

.11 The cost of all these articles..... risen.(has/here)

12. All the students in our college. .....English. (learn/learns)

13. The quality of the mangoes .....not good. (was/were)

14.  14. Each of these minerals....... found in India.(is/am)

15. Iron as well as coal..... found in India.(is/am)

16. No news. .... good news.(is/am).

17. The great poet and dramatist ...... dead.(is/am)

18.The orator and statesman ...... dead.(is/are)

19. Neither of the films..... . good.(was/were)

20.The king with all his ministers...... present there. (was/were) 

 21. Every man, woman and child in the village ...... wounded.(was/were)

22. Rice and curry...... his favourite food.(is/am)

23. He is one of the greatest leaders that ... ever lived. (has/have)

24.A number of students......caught copying.(was/were)

25. The boy and the girl ..... to the same college. (go/goes)

26. The orator and the statesman.....arrived (has/have)

 27. Many of the students ....... failed in the examination. (Has/have)

28. Most of the students ......their time. (Waste/wastes)

29. 29. A large number of workers..... struck work.(has/have)

30.HE and his friend........ arrived (has/have)


1. owns
2. is

4. is

5 was

6. were
8. was

9. has

10. makes

11. has

12. learn
13. was

15. is

18. is

19. was
20. was 21 was22is

23. have24. were
25.go26. have 27. have 

28. waste 29. have
30. have